This band is placed around your stomach in such a way that the stomach is divided into two parts: a small 25ml capacity pouch above the band; with the remaining stomach below the band.

This has the effect of making the stomach smaller so that you eat less food yet still feel full. It also puts pressure on the nerves in the upper part of your stomach so that they signal your brain to tell you that you are not feeling hungry.

Is it effective?

Gastric Banding is found to be effective in achieving a significant amount of weight loss in many patients. Failure to lose weight can occur and is usually due to the inability of the patient to comply with their dietary instructions, or in some cases to intolerance.

Is it adjustable?

The Gastric Band has an inflatable section which is connected by tubing to an injectable reservoir. The reservoir will be located below the left rib cage and buried in the abdominal wall. The inflatable section will enable the surgeon to adjust the size of the opening after surgery to ensure it continues providing optimum weight loss results by inserting a needle through the skin to remove or inject saline.

Is it reversible?

Unlike other weight loss procedures, the Gastric Band procedure is reversible. It does not involve removing or stapling parts of the stomach and does not reroute the digestive tract.

What are the risks?

There are risks, common to any major operation which requires general anaesthesia. Similarly, obesity surgery may also be associated with certain complications. Serious complications are rare and include wound infection, oesophageal stomach puncture, bleeding from the stomach, injury to the spleen, infection inside the abdomen, pneumonia or hernia in the wound. The band could move from where it has been placed, break or erode into the stomach.

How long will recovery take? 

Because the operation is carried out laparoscopically it is minimally invasive and requires only an overnight stay in hospital. Your recovery should be fast and smooth, providing you follow your post-operative dietitian’s instructions.

You should avoid any heavy lifting for four weeks to allow the wound to heal. If you have a desk job, you may return to work in 1-2 weeks.

Benefits of Gastric Band Surgery

Some of the specific advantages of Gastric Band surgery include;

  • Long-term weight loss. Most people who have weight loss surgery experience long-term weight loss. Even those who lose a lot of weight initially and gain some of it back still tend to remain at a lower weight than they were before surgery.
  • Improved longevity. Although weight loss surgery does come with some risks (just like any surgery), it is quite safe. Also, as patients decrease their body weight, they are likely to live longer than people who remain morbidly obese.
  • Improvement of co-existing conditions. Losing weight in itself can improve or even resolve some other conditions such as Diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, Fatty Liver Disease, urinary stress incontinence, and more.
  • Better quality of life. Weight loss surgery can give people back the freedom that comes with easier mobility, higher self-esteem, more social interactions and healthier sexual function.

Common mistakes people make after gastric band surgery

As successful as weight-loss surgery is, patients still need to watch out for numerous pitfalls. For the best results after your procedure, be sure to avoid these common mistakes.

  • Not taking recommended vitamins and supplements. You have unique nutritional needs, so be sure to follow your doctor’s and dietitian’s instructions regarding any vitamins, minerals, and supplements you should take.
  • Not drinking enough water. After weight-loss surgery, dehydration is a risk. It can be difficult to drink the recommended amount of water each day, but it’s essential to accomplish it. Water will keep you hydrated, help you avoid kidney stones and promote weight loss.
  • Eating too much or eating the wrong foods. Refined carbohydrates will make you crave more refined carbohydrates. Stick to limited amounts of complex carbohydrates and eat only the amount of food you and your doctor agree you need.
  • Drinking soda or alcohol. Alcohol and sugary soft drinks contain far too many calories to align with your weight-loss goals. Also, carbonated beverages take up room in your stomach that would be better occupied by water and healthy foods.

Why Gastric Band surgery is cost-effective?

When you consider that people who lose a significant amount of weight are healthier in the long run, requiring fewer doctor visits, medications and hospitalisations, it’s easy to see that weight-loss surgery is a cost-effective option overall.

Contact Sunshine Coast Medical Weight Loss Centre today to schedule a consultation to see if this procedure is right for you.

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Call us today for a complimentary 30-minute consultation with our Bariatric Nurse Educator or one of our Bariatric coordinators.